Ferdinand Dölberg
26.10. – 07.12.24
03.06. – 08.07.23
05.02. – 11.03.22
13.06. – 31.07.20
“Everything that sets people in motion has to pass through their heads. But what form it takes in this head depends very much on the circumstances. It is quite possible to be a stockbroker and a socialist at the same time,” Friedrich Engels once wrote. Ferdinand Dölberg’s work lets the mind run - and thus fits in seamlessly. Into this broken world, full of contradictory longings, identity concepts and interpretative sovereignties, collapsing societies and ambivalent simultaneities ... continue reading
– Hilka Dirks
EY PROJECTS, Beijing, China
group show
Ferdinand Dölberg
26.10. – 07.12.24
03.06. – 08.07.23
05.02. – 11.03.22
13.06. – 31.07.20
geboren 1998 in Eisenach, DE, studierte bis 2024 an der UDK Berlin, Bildendende Kunst bei Prof. Thomas Zipp. Die inhaltlichen Schwerpunkte Ferdinand Dölbergs Arbeiten sind Fragen zur eigenen Verortung innerhalb von sozialen Gefügen, zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen, sowie das Hinterfragen von Individualität. Fiktive Figuren, maskenhafte Gesichter und absurde Körperformen, mit wechselnden Geschlechteridentitäten, sind Hauptgegenstand seiner Malereien und Zeichnungen.
“Everything that sets people in motion has to pass through their heads. But what form it takes in this head depends very much on the circumstances. It is quite possible to be a stockbroker and a socialist at the same time,” Friedrich Engels once wrote. Ferdinand Dölberg’s work lets the mind run - and thus fits in seamlessly. Into this broken world, full of contradictory longings, identity concepts and interpretative sovereignties, collapsing societies and ambivalent simultaneities ... continue reading
– Hilka Dirks
EY PROJECTS, Beijing, China
group show